Met another Adventist doing ministry

I was canvassing waiting for Alanny to finish her Bible study, when I met a Spanish Seven Day Adventist. She was really happy that she was able to meet a fellow Adventist going door-to-door. She was so moved by me working as a colporteur that she wanted to help me. She was able to leave me with a donation and told me to give the donation worth of books to those I thought needed it best. I was so happy and relived that I had met a fellow Adventist that was as excited about ministry I am.

God tells us that there will be those out in the world who will do the work of the few labors. I was able to witness that and was very blessed.

-Victor Roman

One thought on “Met another Adventist doing ministry

  1. Hi Alanny and Victor – I am so blessed and full of joy when reading your stories of canvassing. Thank-you for sharing! MaybGod continue to guide you as you complete your education.

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