Category: Uncategorized

Seven decisions for baptism!

It was an amazing sight to see 7 people decided to either get baptized or re-baptized. Praise God for the decisions made. We must now continue to study and teach our fellow brothers and sister about the word. We will need mentors to take over once we leave, we know that the church members will step up to the task. Praise God!

Evangelistic Series: Night One


Meet Brandi! We have been studying together for 7 weeks ๐Ÿ™‚ these are her two kids: Kendra and Kalea. I praise God that she came to the first meeting and that she wants to come to all of them! Keep our Bible study contacts in your prayers that they can make a decision for God.

~Alanny ๐Ÿ™‚

2 prayer requests answered all at once

On Wednesday while I was canvassing I prayed to God for a new Bible study contact and also to get a set of books out. A few doors down I met this man named Jim. We immediately became friends and he decided to buy some books from me! Not only that but he signed up for Bible studies. This coming Tuesday we will be studying together!

Matthew 7:11 all that we have to do is simply ask! and God will send us the Holy Spirit to help us with whatever it is we need.

God is ready and willing to help us. He is waiting for us to ask him to help us.

Today if there is anything you are struggling with pray first!

Keep us in your prayers!

~Alanny ๐Ÿ™‚ โค


Listening to His voice

Alvin and I were headed to our place where we had been canvassing for the last few weeks. We passed these apartments and Alvin told me that we should just go there because the Holy Spirit had told them it would be a good place. So we turned around and went into the apartments. At first we met many people who were not interested. but the last door right before we were going to head to lunch we met Divinna. She was super friendly and she told us that she really wanted to learn more about the Bible and she thought we were really cool unlike the usual people that would come to her door. After a while we got her information and we are going to be studying this week. God really blesses those who heed His voice.

-Victor R.

Happy Valentines Day!

Yesterday Victor and I bought our contacts little boxes of chocolate. Many of them were surprised and didn’t think they were going to receive anything for valentines day. It was nice to just show them that we care and to spread some love ๐Ÿ™‚ โค

-Alanny FloresIMG_2466

Met another Adventist doing ministry

I was canvassing waiting for Alanny to finish her Bible study, when I met a Spanish Seven Day Adventist. She was really happy that she was able to meet a fellow Adventist going door-to-door. She was so moved by me working as aย colporteur that she wanted to help me. She was able to leave me with a donation and told me to give the donation worth of books to those I thought needed it best. I was so happy and relived that I had met a fellow Adventist that was as excited about ministry I am.

God tells us that there will be those out in the world who will do the work of the few labors. I was able to witness that and was very blessed.

-Victor Roman

Kids and Prophecy

My two most enthusiastic Bible study contacts!

I was able to share with them the prophecy of Daniel chapter two. They were both amazed, especially the older one (Hailey) she has recently been studying about the Roman empire. They were both writing the dates and the different kingdoms and it was such a great opportunity.